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What Transformational Soul Coaching is (and what it is not.)
The “not” is the easy part. It is not “standard" life coaching or business coaching. There are many fine coaches who use tried and true 90-day action plans and business motivational tools. And if you are building your day job or launching a new start-up, or trying to get caught up on your to-do list, then a standard life coach may be helpful to that end.
However, If you are questioning your true calling or purpose in life, then Soul coaching which is transformational in nature, may be most beneficial for discovering and rebuilding yourself from your very core of being. A Soul Transformational Coach, or Guide, helps guide you as you redefine your very essence of being in how you think and how you feel and then how you move forward with purpose and meaning in alignment with your life’s singular purpose.
Soul Transformation coaching helps you find your inner voice so you can heal from life’s disappointments whether from failed relationships, dead-end jobs, or traumatic experiences or abuse whether in the form of mental, emotional, sexual, physical, or even spiritual abuse. Repressed memories or trauma that has not been healed and emotionally and energetically released from the body cause energetic blockages (closed chakras) that sometimes lead to emotional distress which might include suicidal thoughts or even losing the will to live (please see a medical doctor or psychologist right away if this pertains to you and I think you will be pleased that you will find a genuinely concerned professional whom will be able to help you right away).
Unresolved emotional distress may also result in disease such as high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, etc. And many career driven individuals with kids to raise or bills to pay ignore their emotions and push through deadlines with fortitude and adrenaline. Ultimately, the conscious mind becomes unaware of these unresolved emotions yet they remain dormant in the body. Being aware of these emotions and learning from them - taking “bad” emotions and evolving so that you are able to look back and view them as the lessons or a nudge from above to force you to heal and learn and grow and make peace with your past, and spiritually ascend upwards raising your vibrational frequency towards the Almighty above.
Soul Transformational coaching helps you get past the Earth Ego of the name someone else gave you, the social security number a bureaucrat gave you, and the credit score a corporate entity gave you and then, guess what? Perhaps you feel stuck in the “system" or in the “matrix" of someone else’s creation. Before you were born, God gave you a singular purpose for being here in this lifetime. That purpose is still in your core, its hardwired into your very essence but sometimes the grind of keeping up smothers your true spiritual identity and then you may feel trapped.
Beneath the ego is where you get your self-esteem back and learn to open your heart and throat chakras and be more aware of your inner calling. Learn to listen to your true voice and tap into the divine energy from above and receive your true identity and divine purpose from your Creator. The coach or guide does not tell you what your purpose is but rather guides you beyond the ego construct so that you are able to find your intuitive inner-voice, the God-given spiritual compass that directs you towards your true North and keeps you aligned energetically, mentally, and emotionally in alignment with your true purpose.
Live life with Purpose and enjoy life’s many passions that further develop and reinforce your singular Purpose, Life gets easier and is more enjoyable when you find that inner-voice and purpose.
A soul transformational coach or support guide, won’t judge you or your book (s) nor try to “fix” you or tell you what you should do. That is your journey of self-knowledge and liberation from the Ego or from the preconceived notions and limiting beliefs as to who you “think" you are or say you are, based upon education, professional credentials or a job title.
That Ego of the “you” (insert your Earth name or nickname your Earth parents gave you and you have the Ego building inside you) that you think you are is different from the identity with a heavenly purpose that your Creator assigned to you before you were born.
Alas, the “old you” might need to be chipped away at or refined until you get back to being the unique special person with a Divine creator and a unique true purpose. Now may be the right time for you to embrace a Soul Transformation Quest, or journey, with the intent to embark upon a more spiritual path and help you to live life more in tune with who you are supposed to be by shedding self-limiting beliefs and letting go of old emotional cords that bind you mentally and emotionally to the extent that these out of date emotions from doubt, insecurities, regrets, or pain from trauma, may have limited your view and through self-doubt you may have not lived life as magnificently or as spiritually optimized as you are capable of - aligned in harmony with your Creator’s plan and Purpose that he has for you.
Most importantly, as to Soul Salvation (not just soul transformation), which is for every person regardless of religion (and no religion at all) it begins now as after you die, when you awaken in the lower heavenlies, just above the Earthly realm, you’ll have the same level of consciousness and the same persona as you do right now. You pick up spiritully where you left off in the Earthly realm. You will sink or float based upon your own unresolved mental and emotional angst. Repressed emotions such as sadness, anger, regret, unrequited love, jealousy, or victimization and every other emotional cord that leads to a separation from you and your Creator will leave you in a type of Purgatory, of your own creation.
These issues must be resolved by you, and the beauty of it is that you have the chance right now, while still in this lovely Earthly Realm (God’s favorite planet and the envy of the celestial world) to transform and live again in alignment with your singular purpose given to you by your Creator - before you were born. Find it now and level up!
As your Creator also created your emotions, He feels what you feel. He already knows of your suffering. He also knows your prior lives and your totality of being and wants to embrace you. The more anguish you feel, the more distance between you.
It is only after you resolve your Earthly fears, depression, woes and anxiety that you may float spiritually into the higher realms to be received. While tormenting yourself, this is where you find Karma if it escaped your time on Earth. It looks for you.
You have the opportunity right now to clear those painful experiences so that you may be healed here and now so that you will float effortlessly above the heavenlies to the place of innocence and ultimately to either being resent back into the Earthly realm (prayerfully rewarded in higher standing) or to continue Spiritually learning and evolving so you will be rewarded with your ultimate place in perpetual soulful bliss or Nirvana, as our Hindu brethren call it.
Raise your vibrational frequency now and earn your place in Eternity through faith and optimism that comes from deep within you, embedded in you from before you were born. Maintain strength and search and discover your true essence and your true identity and Life’s calling that is embedded within your DNA, within every proton, neutron, and electron that connects the real YOU from above to the One Source Yahweh above.
Listen to your intuition. It’s easy to get started:
1. Press the button below & make a free no-obligation appointment to discuss your objectives & any obstacles holding you back from fulfilling your true potential.
2. Attend appointment over Zoom & begin the transformational dialogues exploring various tools & techniques proven to be helpful to many.
3. We’ll select the topics, tools, & techniques most helpful to you & schedule subsequent sessions that help transform your life so you may live more fully in tune with your true calling.
It’s that easy to get started so let your Soul’s quest begin!